Lottery 学费 Assistance 每学时(最低6学时,没有最高学时)- $75
GTC提供了许多学生成功率高的项目,这些项目的运营成本高于其他项目. 差别学费结构允许学院收取反映每个学校所包含的项目的运营成本的费率. 通过点击下面的学校找到你的项目的学费率.
包括以下专业:先进制造技术(应用科学学士), Aircraft Maintenance 技术, 汽车车身维修, Automotive 技术, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Programming & 采购产品操作,柴油设备技术,采暖,通风,空调 & 制冷(HVAC/R),工业电气,机电一体化技术,焊接
PLEASE NOTE: Program fees, 在适用情况下, 每学时13- 27美元的费用不包括在下面的数字中. 请参阅 Program 费用 for 2024-2025 Academic Year 以下是将被添加到每学分学费中的费用列表.
学分 | 技术 & LMS费 (包括) |
郡 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
外, 县 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
州外 学费 & 费用 |
害死* (州外 students enrolled in ALL online courses) |
1 | $10 | $336.00 | $336.00 | $363.00 | $363.00 | $556.00 | $363.00 |
2 | $20 | $567.00 | $567.00 | $621.00 | $621.00 | $1,007.00 | $621.00 |
3 | $30 | $798.00 | $79800 | $879.00 | $879.00 | $1,458.00 | $879.00 |
4 | $40 | $1,029.00 | $1,029.00 | $1,137.00 | $1,137.00 | $1,909.00 | $1,137.00 |
5 | $50 | $1,260.00 | $1,260.00 | $1,395.00 | $1,395.00 | $2,360.00 | $1,395.00 |
6 | $60 | $1,491.00 | $1,041.00 | $1,653.00 | $1,203.00 | $2,811.00 | $1,653.00 |
7 | $70 | $1,722.00 | $1,197.00 | $1,911.00 | $1,386.00 | $3,262.00 | $1,911.00 |
8 | $80 | $1,953.00 | $1,353.00 | $2,169.00 | $1,569.00 | $3,713.00 | $2,169.00 |
9 | $90 | $2,184.00 | $1,509.00 | $2,427.00 | $1,752.00 | $4,164.00 | $2,427.00 |
10 | $100 | $2,415.00 | $1,665.00 | $2,685.00 | $1,935.00 | $4,615.00 | $2,685.00 |
11 | $110 | $2,646.00 | $1,821.00 | $2,943.00 | $2,118.00 | $5,066.00 | $2,943.00 |
12 | $120 | $2,877.00 | $1,977.00 | $3,201.00 | $2,301.00 | $5,517.00 | $3,201.00 |
13 | $130 | $3,108.00 | $2,133.00 | $3,459.00 | $2,484.00 | $5,968.00 | $3,459.00 |
14 | $140 | $3,339.00 | $2,289.00 | $3,717.00 | $2,667.00 | $6,419.00 | $3,717.00 |
15 | $150 | $3,570.00 | $2,445.00 | $3,975.00 | $2,850.00 | $6,870.00 | $3,975.00 |
16 | $160 | $3,801.00 | $2,601.00 | $4,233.00 | $3,033.00 | $7,321.00 | $4,233.00 |
17 | $170 | $4,032.00 | $2,832.00 | $4,491.00 | $3,291.00 | $7,772.00 | $4,491.00 |
18 | $180 | $4,263.00 | $3,063.00 | $4,749.00 | $3,549.00 | $8,223.00 | $4,749.00 |
18+ Varies based on the number of credit hours. For each additional credit hour add: | |||||||
$221.00 | $248.00 | $441.00 | |||||
学费包括每学期105美元的注册费 (refundable prior to the add/drop period) |
Includes the following programs: University 转移, 视觉艺术, 学院的技能, English as a Second Language, 职业发展, 短暂的拜访
PLEASE NOTE: Program fees, 在适用情况下, 每学时高达50美元的费用不包括在下面的数字中. 请参阅 Program 费用 for 2024-2024 Academic Year 以下是将被添加到每学分学费中的费用列表.
学分 | 技术 & LMS费 (包括) |
郡 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
外, 县 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
州外 学费 & 费用 |
害死* (州外 students enrolled in ALL online courses) |
1 | $10 | $307.00 | $307.00 | $334.00 | $334.00 | $527.00 | $334.00 |
2 | $20 | $509.00 | $509.00 | $563.00 | $563.00 | $949.00 | $563.00 |
3 | $30 | $711.00 | $711.00 | $792.00 | $792.00 | $1,371.00 | $792.00 |
4 | $40 | $913.00 | $913.00 | $1,021.00 | $1,021.00 | $1,793.00 | $1,021.00 |
5 | $50 | $1,115.00 | $1,115.00 | $1,250.00 | $1,250.00 | $2,215.00 | $1,250.00 |
6 | $60 | $1,317.00 | $867.00 | $1,479.00 | $1,029.00 | $2,637.00 | $1,479.00 |
7 | $70 | $1,519.00 | $994.00 | $1,708.00 | $1,183.00 | $3,059.00 | $1,708.00 |
8 | $80 | $1,721.00 | $1,121.00 | $1,937.00 | $1,337.00 | $3,481.00 | $1,937.00 |
9 | $90 | $1,923.00 | $1,248.00 | $2,166.00 | $1,491.00 | $3,903.00 | $2,166.00 |
10 | $100 | $2,125.00 | $1,375.00 | $2,395.00 | $1,645.00 | $4,325.00 | $2,395.00 |
11 | $110 | $2,327.00 | $1,502.00 | $2,624.00 | $1,799.00 | $4,747.00 | $2,624.00 |
12 | $120 | $2,529.00 | $1,629.00 | $2,853.00 | $1,953.00 | $5,169.00 | $2,853.00 |
13 | $130 | $2,731.00 | $1,756.00 | $3,082.00 | $2,107.00 | $5,591.00 | $3,082.00 |
14 | $140 | $2,933.00 | $1,883.00 | $3,311.00 | $2,261.00 | $6,013.00 | $3,311.00 |
15 | $150 | $3,135.00 | $2,010.00 | $3,540.00 | $2,415.00 | $6,435.00 | $3,540.00 |
16 | $160 | $3,337.00 | $2,137.00 | $3,769.00 | $2,569.00 | $6,857.00 | $3,769.00 |
17 | $170 | $3,539.00 | $2,339.00 | $3,998.00 | $2,798.00 | $7,279.00 | $3,998.00 |
18 | $180 | $3,741.00 | $2,541.00 | $4,227.00 | $3,027.00 | $7,701.00 | $4,227.00 |
18+ Varies based on the number of credit hours. For each additional credit hour add: | |||||||
$192.00 | $219.00 | $412.00 | |||||
学费包括每学期105美元的注册费 (refundable prior to the add/drop period) |
Includes the following programs: Accounting, Administrative Office 技术, 计算机技术, 管理, 市场营销, Supply Chain 管理
PLEASE NOTE: Program fees, 在适用情况下, 每学时10- 20美元的费用不包括在下面的数字中. 请参阅 Program 费用 for 2024-2025 Academic Year 以下是将被添加到每学分学费中的费用列表.
学分 | 技术 & LMS费 (包括) |
郡 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
外, 县 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
州外 学费 & 费用 |
害死* (州外 students enrolled in ALL online courses) |
1 | $10 | $320.00 | $320.00 | $347.00 | $347.00 | $540.00 | $347.00 |
2 | $20 | $535.00 | $535.00 | $589.00 | $589.00 | $975.00 | $589.00 |
3 | $30 | $750.00 | $750.00 | $831.00 | $831.00 | $1,410.00 | $831.00 |
4 | $40 | $965.00 | $965.00 | $1,073.00 | $1,07300 | $1,845.00 | $1,073.00 |
5 | $50 | $1,180.00 | $1,180.00 | $1,315.00 | $1,315.00 | $2,280.00 | $1,315.00 |
6 | $60 | $1,395.00 | $945.00 | $1,557.00 | $1,107.00 | $2,715.00 | $1,557.00 |
7 | $70 | $1,610.00 | $1,085.00 | $1,799.00 | $1,274.00 | $3,150.00 | $1,799.00 |
8 | $80 | $1,825.00 | $1,225.00 | $2,041.00 | $1,441.00 | $3,585.00 | $2,041.00 |
9 | $90 | $2,040.00 | $1,365.00 | $2,283.00 | $1,608.00 | $4,020.00 | $2,283.00 |
10 | $100 | $2,255.00 | $1,505.00 | $2,525.00 | $1,775.00 | $4,455.00 | $2,525.00 |
11 | $110 | $2,470.00 | $1,645.00 | $2,767.00 | $1,942.00 | $4,890.00 | $2,767.00 |
12 | $120 | $2,685.00 | $1,785.00 | $3,009.00 | $2,109.00 | $5,325.00 | $3,009.00 |
13 | $130 | $2,900.00 | $1,925.00 | $3,251.00 | $2,276.00 | $5,760.00 | $3,251.00 |
14 | $140 | $3,115.00 | $2,065.00 | $3,493.00 | $2,443.00 | $6,195.00 | $3,493.00 |
15 | $150 | $3,330.00 | $2,205.00 | $3,735.00 | $2,610.00 | $6,630.00 | $3,735.00 |
16 | $160 | $3,545.00 | $2,345.00 | $3,977.00 | $2,777.00 | $7,065.00 | $3,977.00 |
17 | $170 | $3,760.00 | $2,560.00 | $4,219.00 | $3,019.00 | $7,500.00 | $4,219.00 |
18 | $180 | $3,975.00 | $2,775.00 | $4,461.00 | $3,261.00 | $7,935.00 | $4,461.00 |
18+ Varies based on the number of credit hours. For each additional credit hour add: | |||||||
$205.00 | $232.00 | $425.00 | |||||
学费包括每学期105美元的注册费 (refundable prior to the add/drop period) |
包括以下专业:建筑工程技术, Construction Engineering 技术, 美容, 烹饪 Institute of the Carolinas, 刑事司法, 早期治疗 & 教育, Electronics Engineering 技术, Engineering Design 技术, 人类服务, Mechanical Engineering 技术, 律师助理
PLEASE NOTE: Program fees, 在适用情况下, 每学时6- 39美元的费用不包括在下面的数字中. 请参阅 Program 费用 for 2024-2025 Academic Year 以下是将被添加到每学分学费中的费用列表.
学分 | 技术 & LMS费 (包括) |
郡 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
外, 县 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
州外 学费 & 费用 |
害死* (州外 students enrolled in ALL online courses) |
1 | $10 | $323.00 | $323.00 | $350.00 | $350.00 | $543.00 | $350.00 |
2 | $20 | $541.00 | $541.00 | $595.00 | $595.00 | $981.00 | $595.00 |
3 | $30 | $759.00 | $759.00 | $840.00 | $840.00 | $1,419.00 | $840.00 |
4 | $40 | $977.00 | $977.00 | $1,085.00 | $1,085.00 | $1,857.00 | $1,085.00 |
5 | $50 | $1,195.00 | $1,195.00 | $1,330.00 | $1,330.00 | $2,295.00 | $1,330.00 |
6 | $60 | $1,413.00 | $963.00 | $1,575.00 | $1,125.00 | $2,733.00 | $1,575.00 |
7 | $70 | $1,631.00 | $1,106.00 | $1,820.00 | $1,295.00 | $3,171.00 | $1,820.00 |
8 | $80 | $1,849.00 | $1,249.00 | $2,065.00 | $1,465.00 | $3,609.00 | $2,065.00 |
9 | $90 | $2,067.00 | $1,392.00 | $2,310.00 | $1,635.00 | $4,047.00 | $2,310.00 |
10 | $100 | $2,285.00 | $1,535.00 | $2,555.00 | $1,805.00 | $4,485.00 | $2,555.00 |
11 | $110 | $2,503.00 | $1,678.00 | $2,800.00 | $1,975.00 | $4,923.00 | $2,800.00 |
12 | $120 | $2,721.00 | $1,821.00 | $3,045.00 | $2,145.00 | $5,361.00 | $3,045.00 |
13 | $130 | $2,939.00 | $1,964.00 | $3,290.00 | $2,315.00 | $5,799.00 | $3,290.00 |
14 | $140 | $3,157.00 | $2,107.00 | $3,535.00 | $2,485.00 | $6,237.00 | $3,535.00 |
15 | $150 | $3,375.00 | $2,250.00 | $3,780.00 | $2,655.00 | $6,675.00 | $3,780.00 |
16 | $160 | $3,593.00 | $2,393.00 | $4,025.00 | $2,825.00 | $7,113.00 | $4,025.00 |
17 | $170 | $3,811.00 | $2,611.00 | $4,270.00 | $3,070.00 | $7,551.00 | $4,270.00 |
18 | $180 | $4,029.00 | $2,829.00 | $4,515.00 | $3,315.00 | $7,989.00 | $4,515.00 |
18+ Varies based on the number of credit hours. For each additional credit hour add: | |||||||
$208.00 | $235.00 | $428.00 | |||||
学费包括每学期105美元的注册费 (refundable prior to the add/drop period) |
包括以下程序:癌症数据管理, 计算机断层扫描, 牙科, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Emergency Medical 技术 (Paramedic), Health Information 管理, 医疗助理, Medical Laboratory 技术, 护理, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic 技术, 呼吸道护理, 外科手术技术, Veterinary Assistant
PLEASE NOTE: Program fees, 在适用情况下, 每学时13- 27美元的费用不包括在下面的数字中. 请参阅 Program 费用 for 2024-2025 Academic Year 以下是将被添加到每学分学费中的费用列表.
学分 | 技术 & LMS费 (包括) |
郡 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
外, 县 学费 & 费用 |
后 应用彩票 |
州外 学费 & 费用 |
害死* (州外 students enrolled in ALL online courses) |
1 | $10 | $340.00 | $340.00 | $365.00 | $365.00 | $550.00 | $365.00 |
2 | $20 | $575.00 | $575.00 | $625.00 | $625.00 | $995.00 | $625.00 |
3 | $30 | $810.00 | $810.00 | $885.00 | $885.00 | $1,440.00 | $885.00 |
4 | $40 | $1,045.00 | $1,045.00 | $1,145.00 | $1,145.00 | $1,885.00 | $1,145.00 |
5 | $50 | $1,280.00 | $1,280.00 | $1,405.00 | $1,405.00 | $2,330.00 | $1,405.00 |
6 | $60 | $1,515.00 | $1,065.00 | $1,665.00 | $1,215.00 | $2,775.00 | $1,665.00 |
7 | $70 | $1,750.00 | $1,225.00 | $1,925.00 | $1,400.00 | $3,220.00 | $1,925.00 |
8 | $80 | $1,985.00 | $1,385.00 | $2,185.00 | $1,585.00 | $3,665.00 | $2,185.00 |
9 | $90 | $2,220.00 | $1,545.00 | $2,445.00 | $1,770.00 | $4,110.00 | $2,220.00 |
10 | $100 | $2,455.00 | $1,705.00 | $2,705.00 | $1,955.00 | $4,555.00 | $2,705.00 |
11 | $110 | $2,690.00 | $1,865.00 | $2,965.00 | $2,140.00 | $5,000.00 | $2,965.00 |
12 | $120 | $2,925.00 | $2,025.00 | $3,225.00 | $2,325.00 | $5,445.00 | $3,225.00 |
13 | $130 | $3,160.00 | $2,185.00 | $3,485.00 | $2,510.00 | $5,890.00 | $3,487.00 |
14 | $140 | $3,395.00 | $2,345.00 | $3,745.00 | $2,695.00 | $6,335.00 | $3,745.00 |
15 | $150 | $3,630.00 | $2,505.00 | $4,005.00 | $2,880.00 | $6,780.00 | $4,005.00 |
16 | $160 | $3,865.00 | $2,665.00 | $4,265.00 | $3,065.00 | $7,225.00 | $4,265.00 |
17 | $170 | $4,100.00 | $2,900.00 | $4,525.00 | $3,325.00 | $7,670.00 | $4,525.00 |
18 | $180 | $4,335.00 | $3,135.00 | $4,785.00 | $3,585.00 | $8,115.00 | $4,785.00 |
18+ Varies based on the number of credit hours. For each additional credit hour add: | |||||||
$225.00 | $252.00 | $445.00 | |||||
学费包括每学期105美元的注册费 (refundable prior to the add/drop period) |
项 | 费 |
Exemption Examination (per credit hour) | $75 |
Institutional Payment Plan Processing 费 | $60 |
成绩单费用 | $20 |
Service 费 (for paying tuition by credit card, $3.00 minimum for online payments) | 3.00% |
Late Registration 费 (see 校历 for dates for each term) | $100 |
每门获批准复修的课程的复修费. | $75 |
As of July 1, 2016 there is no application fee. 任何已缴付的申请费用概不退还.
Let us do the math with this calculator, 哪个机构根据你提供的信息来估算你的费用并扣除你的经济援助.
Use the Net Price Calculator »
了解我们如何计算出席的估计费用, 基于两个学期的学年(秋季和春季).
See the Estimated Cost of Attendance »
书本费不包括在学费中,因班而异. For details, access this complete list of the current books in use and their cost.
大多数形式的财政援助,如彩票和联邦斯塔福德贷款有6个学分的最低要求. 财政援助资金是基于出席的正式日期,并将减少或取消退学. 要获得任何形式的援助,你必须有一份完整的并经过核实的 FAFSA 在文件.
Any legal resident of South Carolina, 60岁及以上, who is not employed full-time, may take classes for the cost of fees only. (Some classes require a lab or studio fee.)
Learn more about Plan 60 »
一个正确的地址档案,确保退款支票和重要信息将正确送达. 更新您的地址不会改变您的居住状态. 居住身份决定了你的学费. To change residency status, 居住身份重新分类的单独申请必须通过注册服务中心完成,并提供适当的文件.
一个人的居民身份的初步确定是在入学时作出的. The determination made at that time, and any determination thereafter, 除非个人情况有变,否则每学期有效. 申请人或学生在南卡罗来纳居住期间,不能以在学院注册为唯一目的获得居留身份. 申请更改居民分类的人必须填写居留申请,并至少向招生部门提供证明文件 本学期开学前三周. 居住地的变更不具有追溯力,也不会导致退款.
审核允许您在没有分数或测试的情况下回顾课程. 不给予学分,费用与学分课程相同. 如果你想审计,你必须在注册时声明.